
School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.


For 2023/2024 pupils will be admitted to Reception with a cohort size set for 15 children.

All admission applications should be made through the Leicestershire Local Authority website.

Contact by Phone: 0116 3056684     Email: admissions@leics.gov.uk

Website: https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools-colleges-and-academies/school-admissions/apply-for-a-primary-school-place


Appeals for a Primary School place must be made through the Leicestershire Local Authority website.

Admissions Policy - LCC 2023-2024

Admissions Policy - LCC 2024-2025 

Admissions link  - LCC

Appeal for a Primary School place link - LCC



Parent Guidance

Penalty Notice for Unauthorised Absences

Homework Guidance